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    Electro-Harmonix Bass Soul Food Transparent Bass Overdrive Pedal

    Electro-Harmonix Electro-Harmonix Bass Soul Food Transparent Bass Overdrive Pedal


    Product Description

    The EHX Bass Soul Food dives deeper than the original Soul Food, retaining even more low frequecies while adding warmth and growl to your original tone.

    Its gain stage, treble control and signal path are optimized for bass guitar and guitarists wanting extended low frequency response. An adjustable clean blend assures an articulate, full tone while boosted power rails deliver extended headroom.

    EHX Founder and President, Mike Matthews, stated: “Our Soul Food put ‘Klon-like’ transparent overdrive into the hands of players at an unprecedented price point. Now we want to bring that to bass guitarists and guitar players who want more low-end definition. The Bass Soul Food delivers a wide range of overdrive and clean boost sounds, and has plenty of volume to assert your place in the mix. It will give your tone a lift in all the right places!”

    Selectable true or buffered bypass modes and a switchable -10dB pad for active instruments complete the package.

    • Natural overdrive/clean boost sounds great on bass and guitar
    • Adjustable clean blend for articulate, full tone
    • Boosted power rails for extra definition and headroom
    • Selectable true or buffered bypass
    • Switchable -10dB pad
    • Power adapter included

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