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    Ibanez BigMini Tuner Pedal

    Ibanez Ibanez BigMini Tuner Pedal


    Product Description

    The BIGMINI is a compact chromatic tuner pedal that features two different modes: needle and strobe. The tuning range is from A0 (27.5 Hz) to C8 (4186 Hz), which allows for accurate detection of the low B on a 5 string bass. The pedal has adjustable calibration from 435Hz to 445Hz and features a flat mode for additional tuning flexibility. A true bypass switch provides the shortest, most direct signal path for the cleanest possible sound, while the bright LED display is clear and easy-to-read on even the darkest stages.

    • Tuning Range: A0(27.50Hz) - C8(4186Hz)
    • Calibration: A4 = 435 - 445 Hz
    • Drop tune: Flat 4 semitones
    • Required Current: 14mA@9V
    • Power Supply: External DC 9 volt AC adapter (Center-negative)
    • Tuning modes: Needle mode - Strobe mode

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